Egg Curry


Surprise guests, unexpected visitors, or hungry kids with nothing in the fridge? Egg Curry is the perfect dish to fall back on. It was a staple in my childhood, with my mother making various versions—sometimes with sliced eggs, other times with whole eggs, and during winter, she’d add fresh-shelled peas to the gravy. I prefer […]

Coconut Burfi


I have always been very fond of Coconut Burfi, specially the ones made with fresh coconut; I made sure that my mom served it at my wedding buffet! Making Coconut Burfi became fun once I discovered fresh, shredded coconut in the frozen section of Indian and Chinese markets. I add just enough ricotta cheese to […]

Buckwheat and Besan Chilla (Savory Crepes)


My family always kept vrat or fasting during the nine days of Navratri when I was growing up in India. As kids, we looked forward to it because the food was so different and delicious. I can recall my mom making tangy potatoes served with buckwheat puris fried in ghee. Buckwheat, called kuttu in Hindi, does […]

Cracked Wheat Upma


I grew up eating Dalia or cracked wheat cooked in milk with sugar for breakfast. Cracked wheat Upma is a delicious and more nutritious savory dish that can be served as breakfast, lunch, brunch or dinner. It is easy to make and a wholesome side dish as well. For extra flavor, dry roast the cracked […]

Punjabi Kadhi (Vegetable Dumplings in Yogurt Sauce)


Kadhi is a popular dish all across India. The ingredients in the sauce and pakoris (dumplings) can vary but basically Kadhi refers to a vegetarian sauce that can be eaten by itself as in Gujarati Kadhi with yogurt or a sauce with dumplings like Kadhi from Uttar Pradesh or Punjabi Kadhi. I grew up eating […]

Khajoor Katri (Date Nut Roll)


Dates and nuts always make a great combination; these Date Nut Rolls make a healthy snack, a quick dessert and a great hiking companion. I have been making some version of this roll for many years and have found the perfect combination of crispy pumpkin seeds with crunchy almonds and soft pistachios. Slip a few […]

Sookhi Arvi (Pan Fried Taro Root)


Taro or Arvi is a common name for the corms and tubers of the plant Colocasia. A perennial, tropical plant primarily grown as a root vegetable for its edible starchy corm, Taro is native to southeast Asia. It is believed to have been one of the earliest cultivated plants, originating perhaps in eastern India. The giant leaves of […]

Whole Wheat Kachori (Stuffed Fried Bread)


Kachoris (pronounced ka-CHO-ree) are a very unique dish from Northeast India. My Punjabi and South Indian friends are always surprised when they eat it for the first time! Kachoris are basically a stuffed puri. These are different from Khasta kachoris because they are made with whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose flour, plus there is […]

Lobiya Pakoris (Black-Eyed Pea Fritters)


Black-eyed Peas, known as Lobiya in Hindi are quite versatile and easy to cook. They are used in many recipes including this easy to make appetizer or snack. I lived in Birmingham, Alabama for many years with my husband and children where Black-eyed Peas are an important part of a traditional New Year’s dinner. It […]

Roasted Kabocha Squash


The first time I tasted Kabocha squash was in a tempura dish at a Japanese restaurant. I fell in love with its texture and flavor and have been cooking it ever since. I make pakoras out of it, dipping in a besan batter and deep frying or serve it as a side dish by simply […]